The partnership meeting of the Burundi Red Cross that takes place in The Hague from the 25thto the 26th October 2018 was also attended by Movement and non Movement partners. The World Food Program, represented by its representative in Bujumbura, in Burundi. Mrs. Virginia Villar Arribas qualified transformative the partnership between WFP and the Burundi Red Cross.
The WFP country Director in Burundi hails the notable positive impact resulted in the involvement of the Burundi Red Cross in the chain distribution of food items to the needy people across the country. This is possible thanks to the community based of the Burundi Red Cross. “It is a pleasure for WFP to be a partner of the Burundi Red Cross, a National Society with a network of over 650,000 volunteers. We would not be able to reach vulnerable people without passing through the Burundi Red Cross.”
The WFP is in synergetic partnerships with other actors such as the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in order to support better the Burundi Red Cross for sake of the most vulnerable. The country Director of WFP calls on Movement and non Movement partners to support, today more than ever, the National Society whose actions undeniably succeed in the field of the most vulnerable.
Other than distribution of food items, the Burundi Red Cross executes, in partnership with the WFP, emergency preparedness and capacity building. This program implemented in tripartite also with the IFRC is articulated on 3 axes. These are the cash transfer, logistic support, early warning, and the Organizational Development.