Cette visite effectuée samedi le 6 avril 2024 consistait à s’enquérir de la situation des ménages victimes des inondations dues à une pluie diluvienne
emergency and disaster management
Ngozi: Burundi Red Cross assists victims of torrential rains from Gatsinda.
This Wednesday March 27th of 2019, the Burundi Red Cross provided assistance to 105 families victims of the torrential rains of March 23rd, 2019.
Bujumbura: More deadly rains…
The torrential rains that hit Bujumbura on the night of January 17 to 18, 2019 left behind several human and material damage. In the
Bujumbura Mairie: displaced people of kiyange site assisted in dignity kit
The Burundi Red Cross, in collaboration with the UNFPA, has provided dignity assistance for 542 women and girls of childbearing age ranging from 16